Friday, October 3, 2014


Good day! I just want to share one of my family's favourite recipes today! This is also a favourite by others who have tried it as well. This is not a recipe I came up with, but one that another Sunset Gourmet consultant shared with us!


In bowl, combine all ingredients, then add water if desired. Mix, press into 2 foil pans. Wrap with foil. Place both loaves into XL Ziploc bag. Remove air, seal. Affix label. 


Thaw in fridge overnight. Preheat over to 350. Baked uncovered for 1hr, or until internal temperature reaches 160F. Drizzle additional Anna Mae’s over top when serving if desired. Serve with baked potatoes and carrots.

You can easily triple this recipe when you purchase these products listed. 

This is soooo delicious! 

To make this meal, click on the links provided to take you to My Sunset Gourmet Consultant page, order the products needed...get your ingredients together and make this delicious meal for your freezer, so that you can bring it to your table for your whole family to enjoy! 

note: Sunset Gourmet only ships within Canada.

Let me know if your try it!! 

Have a Sunny Day!! 

Susan Coish
Sunset Gourmet Senior Consultant

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What is a Freezer Meal Workshop?

Eating at home saves you money and calories...FREEZER MEALS also save you TIME!!

During the average workshop, we prepare a minimum of 8-10 meals!! Depending on the size of your family, or the size of appetites, you can easily double the number of meals! 

You get the Sunset Gourmet seasonings and sauces from me. They are high quality products, tasty, and can be used in a variety of ways to make all your meals taste soooo good!

I will then, provide you with a grocery list. Many of the items will be items you have already at home. (or will be, once you get into the habit of freezer cooking). You will start to look for items when they are on sale and stock up! 

You will also get a "Prep List". It may include directions such as, "brown 1 lbs ground beef", or "cube 2 cups of cooked chicken", for example. Very simple! 

You then bring your groceries to the workshop, where I walk you through assembly and give you lots of tips. You will get the recipes and labels. All meals will be prepared and stored in freezable containers or bags. A Freezer Meal Workshop, is a fun evening/afternoon out with friends...and a productive one too! Your family will love seeing you return home with a cooler full of delicious food!!

As an added do not have to live in my city to participate in a Freezer Meal Workshop! Gather a group of friends, or just do it yourself. Contact me..I will send you instructions on which products to purchase from my site . Once purchased, I will email you the grocery list, prep list and then the recipes!! Easy Peasy! 

Stay tuned for dates of my next workshops in Moncton, Nb. 

Also, keep following my blog because I will be sharing some of my favourite freezer meal recipes to date!!